Quality of Competition

Our tournament is a friendly local madison tournament, having hosted 12-ish teams from multiple states at our 2024 tournament. These included 2 teams who placed in the 2024 National Tournament.

Quality of Events

We have a variety of events, including all the events from the 2024 National Tournament, as well as some of our own events. All of our events are hosted by experienced event supervisors, many of whom have experience at the national level. Your coaches do not have to supervise events.

Awards & Results

We award medals or ribbons through eighth place for each event, and trophies to the best eight schools. A number of spirit awards and special prizes are also distributed. Additionally, we release raw scores, tests, and answer keys for all events to assist teams in better understanding and improving their performance.

Experienced Leadership

We have nationally qualified coaches and alumni who are running the tournament. Our tournament director has been running badger invitational since years before the pandemic, and has been involved in Science Olympiad since they started teaching at Hamilton.

Concessions and Hospitality

We run an inexpensive concessions stand for all participants and guests. Participants have remarked on how cheap, affordable, yet tasty our concessions stand was. We also provide a hospitality room for coaches and event supervisors, with free home-cooked meals.
Friends of Madison Area Science Clubs is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
This site is open source and was created by Jacob Bolling, a student at Madison West High School. Find me on Github!